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Nature or Naughty: Bringing “Deflategate” to the High School Chemistry Classroom

Author: Elizabeth J. Megonigal

Year: 2016


In this activity, students work in groups, delving into a real-life sports melodrama - “Deflategate”. Using their knowledge of the behavior of gases, and data collected by an independent investigative team, students draw evidence-based conclusions to the question: “Could the underinflated footballs used by the New England Patriots have been caused by environmental conditions during the game?” As this engaging and thought-provo king activity unfolds, students employ many of the science practices outlined in the National Research Council’s A Framework for K−12 Science Education.

Key words: High School/Introductory Chemistry, Curriculum, Collaborative/Cooperative Learning, Communication/Writing, Gases

Referanse: Megonigal, E. J. (2016). Nature or naughty: Bringing “Deflategate” to the high school chemistry classroom. Journal of Chemical Education, 93(2), 311-313.