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Chemistry Cube Game – Exploring Basic Principles of Chemistry by Turning Cubes

Author: WendyMarkus Leuenberger,T. Estefania Larsen, Jacob Leuenberger, Dylan ParryMüller

Year: 20192018


EngagingThe Chemistry Cube Game invites students in hands-on inquiry helps them develop skills associated with the scientific process. Development of simple experiments using model caterpillars can provide an experiential demonstration of the scientific process and ecological principles for high school students. Caterpillar models are formed from plasticine, a nontoxic, nondrying modeling clay, and are an excellent tool for quantifying relative predation rates by birds, small mammals, and invertebrates. Lifelike surrogate larvae are glued to vegetation for short periods (one week) and retain identifiable marks (beak, teeth, mandible imprints) following predator attack. This technique is simple, inexpensive, and provides rapid and clear results, rendering it a highly effective method of inquiry for high school students. Students can use these methods to ask a variety of research questions, such as comparison of predation in nearby habitats (park vs. backyard), vegetation (tree vs. shrub), season (spring vs. fall), or coloration (aposematic vs. camouflage). For many students, this may be one of few opportunities at the highsecondary school level 1 and 2 to investigateexplore sciencebasic concepts of chemistry in a playful way, either as individuals or in teams. It consists of 15 different cubes, 9 cubes for different acids, their corresponding bases and precursors, and 6 cubes for different reducing and oxidising agents. The cubes can be rotated in those directions indicated. Each ‘allowed’ vertical or horizontal rotation of 90° stands for a chemical reaction or a physical transition. Two different games and playing modes are presented here: First, redox chemistry is introduced for the field”formation of salts from elementary metals and integratenon-metals. scientificSecond, practices,the speciation of acids and bases at different pH-values is shown. The cubes can be also used for games about environmental chemistry such as the scientific methodcarbon and inquiry,sulphur incycle, ancovering authenticthe research experience. Participants develop their scientific reasoning skills through creationtopic of researchacid questionsrain, or the nitrogen cycle including ammoniac synthesis, nitrification and interpretation of results. They learn experimental technique, build field skills, and work collaboratively. This experiment aligns with the Next Generation Science

Key words: Ecology;Acids/bases experiential;· fieldBasic skills;chemical predation;principles scientific· inquiry;Chemistry scientificCube method.Game · Collaborative/cooperative learning · Equilibrium · Inquiry-based/discovery learning · Humor/puzzles/games · Oxidation/reduction · Salt formation · Secondary school level 1 and 2 · Speciation

Referanse: Leuenberger,Müller, W.,M. Larsen, E., Leuenberger, J., & Parry, D.T. (2019)2018). PredationChemistry onCube plasticineGame–Exploring modelBasic caterpillars:Principles Engagingof highChemistry schoolby studentsTurning using field-based experiential learning & the scientific process.Cubes. The American Biology TeacherChimia, 8172(5)1-2), 334-339. 62-62.